Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Ready to explode!

Its REALLY REALLY been one of those days!

The last few days have been GOOD, to put it mildly. Last weeks chaos has slowly settled itself down, dad got home, is back to work. Got thru the weekend and an interesting to say the least Saturday evening. Work was even OK yesterday, had a blast watching the game last night, and our Steelers WON!!! WOOHOOOO

Today has just been one of those days where nothing seems to go right. Got denied leave for dad if there is any more medical problems, then got chewed out for putting food on top of the fridge in the cafeteria. Last time I checked the food was SUPPOSED to go in the cafeteria.....where else would you like me to put it? If she'd have given me the opportunity I'd have very well shoved it where the sun didn't shine for her this morning! Well, top that with a person overhearing a small portion of a conversation and pissing me the hell off!

Story went on about me telling someone Saturday night that I wasn't stupid, I'm just a bit slow to wise up and get myself straightened out when some people are involved. Up chimes the evil bird telling me to keep telling myself that and they wouldn't tell me any different. I got upset, never turned around and so kindly thanked her for the insult, cranked my music as loud as I could possibly stand it and ignored from that point on.

Okay, look bitch! I'm FAR FROM STUPID! I know I may not make the wisest choices sometimes in my life, and give people far too much credit than they deserve sometimes. But if I'm stupid I am not alone LADY!

And on top of it all, I sat and let it bother me all day, I held the tears in as long as I could, got home and fell apart. If it was meant as a joke it sure was a nasty one.

I HATE IT THERE. If it weren't for a few people I'd be crazy insane!


Heather Rae Scott said...

Hope today was better for you! (((hugs)))

One Wink at a Time said...

Sweet, may I give you a wee bit of unsolicited advice? You know I know firsthand what "the place" is like... Two words- Low. Profile. In other words, if you just go about not saying anything that can be misconstrued or even requiring a response, no one can fuel the fire. Keep your personal business personal. They can be vultures if you let them. And finally, nothing they can say to you means anything, you're above all that. It's just a job, not your life.But I understand completely and feel for you. A {hug} for you.